nantong xingchen focuses on family security -亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.

staff members and their families have taken an active part, in family security activities of the nantong xingchen synthetic material co, where participants are taught to look for security problems at home and encouraged to write about them and learn from each other, in such areas as traffic safety, fire control, and proper use of electricity. 

the company put up billboards to alert people to the need for office and traffic safety and the proper use of household appliances, and has handed out brochures to everyone in the company and its contractors to warn them of potential safety problems and suggested various solutions. it also used videos to give real-life lessons during work breaks. according to one of the staff, who watched the videos, family safety is just as important as work safety, and, if it’s not paid attention to, a small leak can sink a large family ship. many participants went together to visit each other’s family and took books and checked on security problems. they found 123 security problems and analyzed them carefully to identify the culprit. each problem had to be cleared, and was given a deadline. one of the outstanding performers in this activity was the zhonglan shop, which drew up a detailed action plan after finding family security problems. there was also the transportation and storage department, which acted quickly in checking family security with a carefully arranged schedule, and the modification shop, and the power room, which focused on families that had safety problems and accidents before. in all, six teams and staff members got awards for their part in the activity.

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