french minister of industrial renewal visits bluestar subsidiaries-亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.


france’s minister of industrial renewal (center) visiting bsi production base.

on feb 4th, in lyon, france, the french minister of industrial renewal, arnaud montebourg, attended the national strategic committee of chemical materials, a meeting that included a visit of the roussillon chemical industrial park for an on-the-spot look at operations there.

montebourg went to 15 of the industrial park’s companies, including bluestar silicones france (bsi) and adisseo, overseas subsidiaries of the china national bluestar (group) co, where he had the opportunity to discuss operations with the employees.

at bsi, he was given an introduction to organic silicone applications for food processing, a report on business development, and the minister emphasizes the importance of adisseo and bsi in the chemical park’s development.

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