curtain drops on the 25th bluestar international summer camp-亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.


on august 9, the 25th bluestar international summer camp closed as participants sang the camp song titled “under the blue starry sky”. during the 20 days of the summer camp, 950 little “blue stars” from 11 countries had a wonderful time together. present at the closing ceremony were ren jianxin, general manager of chemchina; lu xiaobao, general manager of bluestar; zhang lijun, executive deputy general manager of bluestar; and gao jianjun, party secretary and deputy general manager of bluestar.

the ceremony brimmed with genuine happiness of the young participants and witnessed the friendship developed among them. songs, dances, dramas, martial art shows, and music performances constituted a spectacular event and programs with both chinese and western features were particularly impressive. “the fox”, the buoyant opening dance, was a joyous start, and the yangge performed by both chinese and foreign participants dressed in auspicious red appealed to everyone present. nine foreign team leaders brought the house down when they, dressed in traditional chinese costumes, danced joyfully to the classic beat of “my little apple”, giving a special taste to this melody widely known in china. the drama “bluestar summer camp: sweet memories” was like a playback of the camp days, and when foreign participants read out loud in chinese the ancient poem line meaning “wild grasses spreading o’er the plain. with every season come and go”, everyone was deeply moved though their newly learned pronunciations still sounded a little bit weird. participants from gulang county, gansu province, staged a dance titled “big backpack” created by themselves and received overwhelming applauses.

in addition, qindiquan, or literally “enemy catching boxing” and soul of martial arts showcased the charm of traditional chinese martial arts, vibrant street dance and party dance shows highlighted the vitality of youth; songs sung in chinese, english, and french sounded very beautiful. all were what participants learned during the summer camp, leaving all the teachers and parents in awe.

programs with both chinese and western features were made possible through active communication and exchanges between chinese and foreign participants during the 20 days of the bluestar international summer camp. the camp is a bridge connecting people from different corners of the world, enabling them to communicate and bond with each other and embodying bluestar’s corporate culture of “we are family”.

moved by the fabulous show staged by participating children, chemchina gm ren jianxin addressed the event. he thanked the teachers for their devotion, congratulated the children on what they learned during the 20 days and encouraged all participants to be responsible and reliable people and make their contribution when they grew up. looking back on the history of the summer camp, bluestar gm lu xiaobao wished the event a brighter future as a platform to spread the bluestar culture.

after the ceremony, young participants were reluctant to leave. they exchanged contact information, and started to look forward to the next gathering.

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