harbin petrochemical promotes party construction-亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.

harbin petrochemical recently held a series of activities to demonstrate the spirit of the party and party members.

at the beginning of this year, the company asked its party members to act out the content and standards of party services at work based on its own conditions. it also asked members to take the initiative to strengthen party ideas and self-constraints in order to receive public supervision. it also encouraged them to shoot for excellence. the company urged members to make their commitment known to the public through various forms to receive reviews, live up to their commitment, and raise work efficiency.

harbin petrochemical also held business and skills competitions in production, technology and sales positions to raise employee technical skills. it also encouraged them to be leaders in their field. the company asked party members to redress lax behavior and lazy phenomenon, promote the shift in work style and showcase a good image. it has also set up work performance profiles to evaluate each member’s role in their job positions and how they live up to their commitments at a monthly and quarterly basis.

the activities have been running for half a year, and the work efficiency of the party members has been significantly improved. the company focused on production and service work when selecting good party organizations, excellent party members and excellent party workers. it also wants to set good examples to raise management, fulfill production tasks, innovate technology, reduce energy consumption and pollution, secure production and bring down costs.

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