shenyang chemical’s ground-亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.

the pvc paste resin for foaming artificial leather, the pvc paste resin new visbreaking agent, and the new surface modification fumed silica to raise silicone rubber tear strength, developed by bluestar shenyang chemical, recently passed checks by technical departments and were deemed the first of their kind in china. the three products are the fruit of many years of research by the company’s technical personnel.

experts from the shenyang economic and information commission, domestic institutes of higher learning, and scientific research institutions all agreed that the micro-suspension polymerized pvc paste resin for foaming artificial leather is on par with similar foreign products, has superior foaming performance and broad market application prospects. the assessment came after they reviewed documents and user reports, made inquiries and had discussions. the development of the pvc paste resin new visbreaking agent can effectively bring down product viscosity, raising viscosity stability, foamability and tensile strength. the surface modification fumed silica was derived from silicon dioxide through gas-solid surface contact reaction and can greatly raise silicone rubber tear strength. it will break the monopoly of imported products in the domestic market.

the success of the three products marks a new step forward in shenyang chemical’s r&d strength and will consolidate the company’s position as a new high-tech enterprise.

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