beijing gets industrial cleaning association of china -亚博电竞网

source: china bluestar
there was a ceremony in beijing’s great hall of the people on dec 21 for the industrial cleaning association of china (icac) held by the national association of petrolic and chemical industry, china bluestar group, and the china petroleum pipeline bureau. taking part were gu xiulia, vice-chairmen of the 10th npc standing committee, shao ning, deputy director of the state council’s assets supervision administration commission, li yongwu, chairman of the national association of petrolic and chemical industry, lv huangsheng, chairman of the assets supervision administration commission’s supervisory board of state-owned enterprises, and ren jianxin, president of chemchina.

gu congratulated the gathering on the founding of the new association and shoed her approval of ren’s chemical team, which established the bluestar cleaning co, for their keeping abreast of the changes, 27 years ago. she said bluestar was a pioneer in industrial cleaning and had made a great contribution to pollution reduction and cleaning up production in china by striving for healthier market competition and publicizing advancements in technology, which lead in turn to the growth of cleaning companies and a more prosperous industry in technological developments, manufacturing, and services.

shao explained that the industry cleaning association was a new beginning for china’s industrial cleaning business and injected some new blood into the field and provided a new development site. shao also said that, in the future, he would like to see the icac keep abreast of the times, bring related members and units together, provide ready help for industries, and standardize activities to improve services, scientific development, and environmental protection, and play a role in leading the industry along an upward path.

li said he sincerely hoped that the industrial cleaning business could use the opportunities offered by the 12th “five-year plan, which has called for changing china from a large petrochemical country to a strong one. he said he also hoped that the industry could help free people’s minds, keep up the reforms, and work to develop its own mode in techniques, resource utilization, and sustainable development.

ren, who founded the industrial cleaning field in china and who is the honorary chairman of the icac, thanked the gathering and all members and units who had supported industrial cleaning development and said that, as the founder and supporter of the icac, he, and his team, was willing and committed to supporting the association’s business and to helping develop. ren also said he hope that the association could follow standardized operations and provide more resources for the industry, while uniting its members, and adding greater achievements to the field of industrial cleaning in china.

the icac has more than 350 registered member units spread across 30 provinces and autonomous regions, in a wide range of fields, such as petroleum, chemistry, metallurgy, coal, electricity, mechanics, and electronic information. they can also be connected colleges, institutions, service area, and constructions.

the icac held its first council conference on dec 20, and the first national congress of icac members. those present passed the self-discipline of the industry cleaning association of china ruling and elected the executive body and its directors. lu shaohua, the vice party secretary of bluestar (group) was elected president of the first council. sun weishan, ge shuyi, wang jianjun, xiao shimeng, wang feng, jiao yongtao, bai jianli, zeng yanli and jiao qinzhu were elected as vice presidents. zhao zhike was elected secretary general.
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