elkem xinghuo silicone won jiangxi champion in china innovation methods competition for three contin-亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.

the "china innovation methods competition jiangxi enterprise regional competition", organized by the science and technology association and the provincial department of science and technology of jiangxi province jointly, was recently held in nanchang. after strict evaluation by seven well-known experts from inside and outside the province, elkem xinghuo silicone stood out of the 50 innovation teams in the province and won three of the four championships in the competition, which is the only team winning the championship in jiangxi for three years in a row.

the three champions are team liao li, ouyang wenwu and kang xiujuan's "reducing ammonia nitrogen in organosilicon device sewage", team hao chunling, zhang liang and hu qiliang's "triz-based global anaerobic technology solution for organosilicon industry sewage treatment", and shi hongnan, yan weijun and chen kai's "innovative solution of low thermal efficiency for reheating furnaces based on triz". the project team will represent jiangxi province in the finals of the china innovation method competition, which will be held in tianjin in late november.

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