leigh institute-亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.

a commissioning ceremony was recently held online for the first phase of the 3 million t/a petroleum refining project owned by supervised by laos petrochemical co., ltd and supervised by lianyungang lianyu supervision company, a subsidiary of leigh institute. this is the first petrochemical project in laos and also a key project of capacity cooperation between laos and china, for which leaders of the two countries witnessed the signing of the contract. it is of far-reaching significance for enriching the capacity cooperation and economic and trade exchanges between the two countries. when put into operation, it will fill the gap in laos' petrochemical industry, change the current situation that laos is totally dependent on imported refined oil products, and play an important role in the country's industrialization process and the construction of its chemical industry system. 

the project, located in laos vientiane saysettha development zone, is an early project of the china-laos destiny community action plan. it is implemented by yunnan construction investment holding group in cooperation with chinese enterprises and laos national petroleum corporation. it is planned to invest nearly us$ 2 billion to build a modern refinery with an annual output of 3 million tons and all indicators reaching the world advanced level in three phases. the comprehensive processing capacity of phase i project reaches one million tons/year. after put into production, it will produce gasoline, diesel oil, aviation kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas, industrial sulfur and other products meeting euro v standard, providing laos with a safe and stable supply of refined oil.

during the construction process, lianyungang lianyu supervision company successively dispatched more than ten key technicians to the project site, who overcame various difficulties such as tight construction schedule, heavy tasks, difficult working conditions and language barrier, and steadily pushed forward the supervision work. faced with the severe situation of covide-19, they stuck to their posts, obeyed the overall situation, took the initiative to communicate with all partied concerned, attached equal importance to pandemic prevention and project construction, and made important contributions to the timely and high-quality completion of the project. working conscientiously and professionally, they were highly affirmed by the owner and won honors for the company. 

with strong technical strength in the industry, lianyungang lianyu supervision company owns four top-grade qualifications approved by the ministry of housing and urban-rural development, which are respectively for chemical and petroleum engineering supervision, housing construction supervision, mine engineering supervision and municipal public engineering supervision. it is rated as “advanced supervision enterprise” by china association of engineering consultants, and has won the title of "advanced engineering supervision enterprise" in the national chemical industry for eight consecutive years. 

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