hangzhou water treatment’s r&d outcome wins grand prize of dayu water conservancy award-亚博电竞网

source: chemchina

on december 21, hangzhou water treatment was awarded the grand prize of the 2021 dayu science and technology award for water conservancy by the award committee of the ministry of water resources of china for its involvement in the research and application of water security technology in the yangtze river delta region project.

the project is among the first batch of projects under the national key r&d program for the efficient development and utilization of water resources in the 13th five-year plan period. under the program that is led by the ministry of water resources, the ministry of transport, the national energy administration and nanjing hydraulic research institute, hangzhou water treatment has been responsible for one of the subjects, focusing on studying the “integration and demonstration of water security technology for islands”. in response to the lack of freshwater resources on islands, the hangzhou water treatment research team investigated water resources on islands and studied key desalination technologies and equipment, rainwater comprehensive utilization technologies, and joint scheduling and collaborative security of multiple water sources. it has developed high de-boronization reverse osmosis membrane materials for seawater desalination and the complete set of energy-saving all-in-one reverse osmosis desalination equipment based on localized core components and key equipment and conducted on-site demonstrations. through the on-site test of the national quality supervision and inspection center for seawater and brackish water utilization products, the energy consumption of water production and other indicators of the energy-saving integrated desalination demonstration device have been verified to reach the leading domestic level.

the research outcome is an important part of the water security technology for the yangtze river delta region, representing an effective solution for the development and security of water resources on islands. the application, demonstration and promotion of the outcomes will significantly improve the technology of developing and utilizing unconventional water resources and provide important technical support for solving water shortage in china, developing uninhabited islands and marine resources, maintaining national sovereignty, and advancing the “belt and road” initiative.

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