ren jianxin’s summer camp staff meeting-亚博电竞网

source: china national bluestar (group) co, ltd.

chemchina’s gm, ren jianxin chaired a staff meeting for the 22nd bluestar summer camp, on aug 18, 2011, with more than 20 leaders and staff members from beijng’s camps no 1 and 2 taking part. ren heard summaries of the 22nd bluestar summer camp activities from two tutors and praised all staff members’ work, while emphasizing the fact that this was the 22nd year, and that it had given the children many happy memories, thanks to everyone's effort. he said summer camp flag is handed on and the bluestar spirit and culture are shared from one generation to the next. in response to the tutors’ suggestions on how to improve the camp, ren said that it had gone global and been recognized by society, which places greater demands on the camp and calls for more standardization, and more features. the existing activities, he said, are good for younger children, but the age spread among overseas campers has widened, so more needs to be done in planning and designing activities. ren also emphasized that safety is a priority at camp, and one of the camp leaders had worked at an international aid agency and had a lot of experience and his rescue training for the campers have been very helpful. ren urged camp planners to add self-help and rescue classes to next year’s camp and provide training for teachers and campers alike to increase safety awareness and rescue skills.

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