adisseo presents its species-亚博电竞网

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adisseo presents its species-specific aquaculture solutions via on-line platforms
source: 蓝星(集团)股份有限公司 date: 2020-10-23

with the covid -19 pandemic having shut down all important traditional aquaculture conferences and events in 2020, the aquaculture and aquafeed industry thirst for new technical information is greater than ever. indonesia, one of the world’s largest aquaculture producers, hosted – for the first time as an online event – the indonesia aquafeed conference 2020 on october 13 & 14, 2020. adisseo was proud to be a sponsor of this very successful and well attended technical conference which gathered almost 450 indonesian and international participants. the organizers had succeeded in gathering a strong panel of reputed international scientists and speakers. adisseo’s regional technical manager aquaculture, mr. martin guerin, gave industry professionals insights on how to “optimize lipid digestion and utilization in aquaculture feeds”. the session was attended by 253 participants and resulted in an interesting on-line interaction with the audience. ms. martha mamora, technical sales manager aquaculture for adisseo indonesia, was able to introduce the wide range of aquaculture species-specific solutions that adisseo propose to the industry through a presentation on the event platform.

october 14, was indeed a day of intense online presence for adisseo on the aquaculture scene as it concomitantly held to a world-wide audience the fourth session of the aqua webinars by adisseo, a series of 5 webinars, holding an english-spoken, as well as a spanish-spoken seminar on “osmoregulation and ionic balance in shrimp: key to success in low and high salinity farming”, complemented by an update by urnerbarry’s mr. angel rubio on the “impact of covid-19 on global shrimp consumption, price and trade”. the series of aqua webinars by adisseo are organized for our customers and partners and address the need to exchange information on the impact of covid-19 on the aquaculture production and markets. besides they offer technical seminars by external as well as internal speakers on topics of interest for fish and shrimp (feed) producers.

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