qenos and bluestar teamwork delivers results-亚博电竞网

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qenos and bluestar teamwork delivers results
source: 蓝星(集团)股份有限公司 date: 2019-12-24

in june 2019, the bluestar technical centre (bstc) team (led by bluestar cto harry ni) visited the qenos botany site to better understand the impact of qenos’ rising feedstock and energy costs, and to also identify any opportunities where bstc expertise could be utilised to achieve either energy efficiency or capacity improvements.  

working closely with qenos’ engineers, the bstc team identified several opportunities that could deliver significant savings for the botany site.  a joint qenos-bluestar project team was formed, and an implementation plan was developed to harness the high priority opportunities before year end.

in the ensuing months, the combined project team worked to collect and analyse plant data, develop design specifications, and also complete the necessary management of change (moc) documentation.  as planned, the bstc team returned to botany in december 2019 to complete phase one of their implementation plan.  the goals for the visit were:

·      ethylene cracker (olefines plant) - modify and commission the non-functioning demethaniser and c2-splitter dmc controllers to improve plant stability, reduce compressor loads and deliver steam savings.

·      high pressure ldpe plant (alkathene) – using aspen iq, implement bstc developed compressor flow and decomposition temperature models (the first of many planned initiatives) that will deliver future plant capacity improvements.

during the site visit, harry ni and the bstc team also further shared their knowledge by conducting dmc training sessions for the qenos applications engineers.  the team also took the time to explain the plant modifications to the process operators, and also participated in the mandatory qenos hazop/chazop studies.  by listening to the operating team’s concerns, and implementing logic changes to include their suggestions, the bluestar team also earnt their trust and thereby reinforced the joint team approach for the initiative.

there is still much work to do, however both olefines’ plant dmc’s were successfully recommissioned and handed over to operations as planned.  the alkathene plant models were also successfully implemented and will now form the basis for future plant capacity improvements. 

this is a significant achievement by the joint qenos-bstc team, one that has already begun to deliver the anticipated energy savings of over aud $1.1m per year (> rmb 5 million), and additional production/margin improvements of aud $250k per year (> rmb 1 million).

this is already an impressive result given the relatively short time since the first bstc visit, however both the qenos and bstc teams are committed to achieving the stretch targets set for this initiative, will continue to build upon the excellent relationship forged between qenos and bluestar personnel, and will work together to ensure the profitability of qenos into the future.  (sam antonas/kerri pyne)

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